
    HUNGARY: Apolló Mozi, Pécs

    Apollo, established in 1912, initially served as Pécs’ first permanent cinema and the country’s inaugural talkie cinema. Today, it functions as the sole artist cinema in the region, managed by a local non-profit foundation since 2014, evolving into a prominent alternative cultural hub within the city.

    Beyond mere cultural transmission, the cinema also embraces its role as an opinion leader, assuming responsibility for shedding light on economic, ecological, and social issues of our era. Apollo fosters discourse that illuminates the root causes of societal phenomena and injustices, and delves into systems of oppression, whether against minorities, women, or the environment. These themes have featured prominently in its programming for decades.

    The cinema’s curation reflects independent editorial choices, with no external influence on its selections. Following European arthouse traditions, its film lineup comprises entries from international festivals, notable works by acclaimed directors, and defining pieces from Hungarian filmmakers. Additionally, the repertoire includes contemporary documentaries, contributions from art education, and films from the farthest reaches of the global cinema landscape.